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ID 899
Authors SINGH Pankaj
Title Technophilosophical underpinnings of Westworld (2016–2022)
Title (translation)
Subtitle (translation)
Keywords sentient AI, Westworld, consciousness, immortality, reality
Keywords (translation)
Issue 2024/2
Abstract Using the events of the HBO series Westworld (2016–2022) as a springboard, this paper attempts to elicit a number of philosophical arguments, dilemmas, and questions concerning technology and artificial intelligence (AI). The paper is intended to encourage readers to learn more about intriguing technophilosophical debates. The first section discusses the dispute between memory and consciousness in the context of an artificially intelligent robot. The second section delves into the issues of reality and morality for humans and AI. The final segment speculates on the potential of a social interaction between sentient AI and humans. The narrative of the show serves as a glue that binds together the various ideas that are covered during the show, which in turn makes the philosophical discussions more intriguing.
Abstract (translation)
Language English
Pages 101-114