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ID 878
Authors IVÁNYI Márton Pál
Title Advent of the online Neo-subject
Title (translation)
Subtitle ICT as an accelerator of ultra-subjectivation in light of social practices – Central European horizons
Subtitle (translation)
Keywords Critical social theory, ICT, information society, innovation, postmodernism, neoliberalism
Keywords (translation)
Issue 2024/4
Abstract Arguably, from a post-Foucauldian perspective, information and communications technology (ICT) offers an arena for ongoing subjectivation aligned with societal or moral guidelines, such as the principles of efficacy and joy, technology-centrism and consumerism. In line with the tradition of critical social theory, the present paper offers a theoretical and a Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)-centred empirical framework based on recent social practices.
Abstract (translation)
Language English
Pages 22-37