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ID 824
Authors HÉDER Mihály, RIGÓ Ernő, MEDGYESI Dorottya, LOVAS Róbert, TENCZER Szabolcs, TÖRÖK Ferenc, FARKAS Attila, EMŐDI Márk, KADLECSIK József, MEZŐ György, PINTÉR Ádám, KACSUK Péter
Title The Past, Present and Future of the ELKH Cloud
Title (translation)
Subtitle (translation)
Keywords IT History, IaaS Cloud, MTA Cloud, ELKH Cloud
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Issue 2022/2
Abstract This review article summarizes the history the Hungarian Scientific Cloud Infrastructure project. This research infrastructure was launched officially on 1 October 2016, funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. With the support of ELKH, the infrastructure’s capacity has been substantially boosted; the features and workflows that it offers to scientists were significantly expanded to celebrate the arrival of the year 2022. The article reviews the types of work Hungarian researchers implemented on the infrastructure, thereby providing an overview of the state of cloud-computing enabled science in Hungary.
Abstract (translation)
Language English
Pages 128-137