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ID 751
Authors SJOER Ellen, BIEMANS Petra
Title A design-based (pre)recruitment approach for new professions: defining futureproof job profiles
Title (translation)
Subtitle (translation)
Keywords 21st century skills, future-proof job profiles, design-based recruitment approach
Keywords (translation)
Issue 2020/2
Abstract In a rapidly developing labor market, in which some parts of jobs disappear and new parts appear due to technological developments, companies are struggling with defining future-proof job qualifications and describing job profiles that fit the organization’s needs. This is even more applicable to smaller companies with new types of work because they often grow rapidly and cannot hire graduates from existing study programs. In this research project, we undertook in-depth, qualitative research into the five roles of a new profession: social media architect. It has become clear which 21st century skills and motivations are important per role and, above all, how they differ in subcategory and are interpreted by a full-service team in their working methods, in a labor market context, and in the talents of the professional themselves. In a workshop, these “skills” were supplemented through a design-based approach and visualized per team role in flexibly applicable recruitment cards. This research project serves as an example of how to co-create innovative job profiles for the changing labor market.
Abstract (translation)
Language English
Pages 84-100