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ID 749
Authors PAGTER Jesse de
Title Trust in robot futures: The role of sociotechnical potential
Title (translation)
Subtitle (translation)
Keywords futures, robotics, speculation, technodiversity, trust
Keywords (translation)
Issue 2020/2
Abstract The aim of this paper is to develop an approach that conceptualizes the role of sociotechnical potential in the discourse around trust in emerging technology. Thereby it focuses on robotics as an example of an emerging technology which is subject to many expectations concerning its future. The paper first provides a general overview of the thinking on trust in philosophy of technology. In the section after that, the paper argues for the importance of adding the perspective of technological potential by emphasizing how the discourse around emerging technologies like robotics is often referring to a world-to-come. Based on this idea, the final section argues for an approach to trust in technology that is based on the perspective of multiplicity of technology narratives. As such, the goal is to build and foster trust in the future of robots based on a notion of technodiversity.
Abstract (translation)
Language English
Pages 55-69