Articles View

ID 241
Authors PINTÉR Róbert
Title A mesterséges intelligencia nyomában
Title (translation) In the footsteps of artificial intelligence
Subtitle Konferenciabeszámolók
Subtitle (translation) Conference reports
Keywords (translation)
Issue 2019/1
Abstract Beszámoló a V4 Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2018. október 11., Brüsszel, Belgium), a Making AI at Google (2018. november 6–7., Amszterdam, Hollandia)és a The Aspen Institute Central Europe, PUBLIC DEBATE: Beyond Human. Trust in Machines and AI és WORKSHOP: Building the Future: Addressing the Opportunities and Challenges of an AI-Enabled World (2019. január 22–23., Prága, Csehország) rendezvényekről.
Abstract (translation) Conference reports on V4 Conference on Artificial Intelligence (11 October 2018., Brussels, Belgium), the Making AI at Google (6-7 November 2018., Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and The Aspen Institute Central Europe, PUBLIC DEBATE: Beyond Human. Trust in Machines and AI és WORKSHOP: Building the Future: Addressing the Opportunities and Challenges of an AI-Enabled World (22-23 January 2019., Práague, Czechia).
Language Hungarian
Pages 138-147
Column Konferenciabeszámolók