Title: The use of artificial intelligence in optimising education management processes
Subtitle: Innovation and transformation of educational systems
Abstract: As a strategic technology, artificial intelligence (AI) contributes to the transformation of the economy and symbolises a new stage not only in the history of digital technologies but also in the global development of modern civilisation. It also plays an important role in improving the quality and accessibility of education. The use of AI allows us to move from standard methods of teaching and education management to individual and effective strategies. This article analyses the use of AI in the field of education management and highlights innovative approaches introduced by AI. The potential disadvantages and ethical issues arising from the integration of these technologies into the field of education are considered. Prospects and directions of AI use in education are outlined. Conclusions are drawn about the importance of AI for current and future education.
Keywords: information technology, artificial intelligence, educational process, learning technologies, education management
Full Article:
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22503/inftars.XXIV.2024.2.2
Language: en