Teljes cikk: [pdf] DOI: Nyelv: en Szerző(k):  Oleh Shynkarenko
Cím: Science Fiction in Ukraine: 1920–2020 Alcím: part one Absztrakt: The variability in the genre of Ukrainian science fiction (SF) has always been determined by the requirements of the time and the political situation. That is why the fiction of the 1920s promoted the ideology of naive techno-communism, but during the next forty years it became obvious that the Soviet project had reached a dead end, and its positivist component had not brought the desired results. Ukrainian SF writers then turned to mysticism and denial of a rational view of the world.
A folyóirat kiadását a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Gazdaság- és Társadalomtudományi Kara támogatja.