Cím: A perspective on the European Health Data Space
Absztrakt: At the time of writing this article, the European Health Data Space (EHDS) is under development. A legal definition of the primary and secondary use of health data at the supranational level is a given; however, the practice of cross-border e-health still needs to be both legally and technically reinforced. Healthcare equality and technological justice need to be observed when legislating on e-health at the national and supranational levels. Data altruism is a positive phenomenon in the secondary use of health data; nonetheless, the unethical exploitation of the health-related data of digital citizens living with a chronic illness or other ailments should be eliminated. While the extension of the European digital society to include other digital societies as a whole might happen in the far future, the early results of the already interconnected European e-health infrastructures are promising. Nevertheless, there is much to do to ensure patient safety via e-health.
Kulcsszavak: European Health Data Space, health data protection, healthcare equality, technological justice, health data altruism, patient’s right to digital self-determination
Teljes cikk:
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22503/inftars.XXIII.2023.4.1
Nyelv: en