Full Article: [pdf] DOI: https://doi.org/10.22503/inftars.XXIII.2023.2.8 Language: en Author(s):  Giacomo Figà Talamanca
Title: Frameless Folk Psychology Subtitle: How Online Context Collapse and User-Centeredness Distort Social Cognition and Nudge Hostility and Epistemic Injustice Abstract: In this paper, I will argue that the rise in hostility and polarization on social media is explainable by taking into account a radical difference between online and face-toface interaction. In everyday offline environments, socially shared and context-dependent norms frame the understanding of other people’s minds based on their behavior. I will argue that, on social media platforms, social cognition is distorted thanks to two deliberate design choices that are a means for financial gain for the platform’s designers: namely, the lack of socially shared norms on these platforms (entailed by what is known as context collapse) and their interfaces’ extreme user- centeredness. I will argue that such design features not only cause frustration in the understanding of others but encourage testimonial injustice in interaction.
The publication of the Journal is supported by Budapest University of Technology and Economics.