Title: How do students see the role of serious games in education?
Subtitle: An Eastern-European example
Abstract: Grabbing and holding student attention was a big challenge even before the Covid- 19 era; however, the coronavirus and the obligatory digital education showed that new methods are needed to resolve these issues. One of them could be implementation of digital serious games. This paper presents the findings of a questionnaire about the feelings of students toward digital serious games. In all, 1755 answers were collected and analyzed and the results showed that most students do not shy away from using these kinds of video games in a classroom environment, although there are various concerns and key aspects educational professionals must consider.
Keywords: Serious games, education, video games, student attitudes, gamification, learning
Full Article:
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22503/inftars.XXII.2022.4.10
Language: en