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ID 270
Authors SZÁNTÓ Zoltán Oszkár, ACZÉL Petra, CSÁK János, BALL Chris
Title Foundations of the Social Futuring Index
Title (translation)
Subtitle (translation)
Keywords social futuring, social entities, Social Futuring Index, good life, normative standards
Keywords (translation)
Issue 2019/4
Abstract This paper presents a new, multidisciplinary concept called “Social Futuring” and introduces an index based on this concept, entitled the “Social Futuring Index”. Settled into the intersection of philosophy, psychology, sociology, political theory and geopolitics among many other fields of social sciences social futuring and its application as an index addresses both academia and policymakers. In the present article the concept is explained and then placed in the broader context of social sciences. We highlight that the most unique characteristic of social futuring is its fixed normative, analytical and discursive framework, the center of which is “a good life in a unity of order”. Finally, we present the key elements of the index that are currently under construction.
Abstract (translation)
Language English
Pages 115-132
Column Tanulmányok